We have hit a very exciting milestone in our project! As we now have three established Innovation Working Groups (IWGs) The three groups that have been established are:

• Value Add primary Industry
• Nature based recreation and Tourism
• Education and skills

If you would like more information about the groups, please head over to the Entrepreneurial Discovery section.

Purpose of Innovation Working Groups

The primary purpose of an Innovation Working Group (IWG) is to develop innovation opportunities that will support sustainable economic development, job creation and social and economic prosperity in Swifts Creek and District (Tongio, Cassilis, Swifts Creek, Bindi, Ensay, Ensay North, Doctors Flat, Reedy Flat, Tambo Crossing and Brookeville) with the long-term aim of fostering a thriving, collaborative innovation system for the community.
The IWG’s core role is to develop, test, refine and define the relevant proposal(s) for the innovation.
The IWG’s initial term will be twelve (12) months, or until the conclusion of its primary project, whichever is shorter. After this period, a review of membership and purpose will be undertaken.
Facilitation support is provided by the Swifts Creek District Local Development Strategy (LDS) Project Manager.
The IWG is supported by the Leadership Group, who will endorse applications to Forestry Transition funding and assist in decision making when outside the IWG scope.

Role of IWG Members

In undertaking this work, members of the IWG are asked to:
• Contribute and connect relevant expertise to strengthen the Innovation Opportunity (IO),
• Bring a collaborative mindset to the work,
• Share knowledge of existing and relevant innovation locally or elsewhere, and to connect, learn from, and strengthen the IO,
• Draw on local and global research and expertise that can enhance the project.

All three groups are open to new members. If you would like to join any of the working groups, please submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) link here).

Innovation Working Groups are currently meeting monthly. The IWG meetings run for approximately 1.5 hours. Meetings are in person and online (via Teams)

Leadership Group

Swifts Creek Future is currently seeking Expressions of Interest for participants on our Leadership Group.

The role of the Local Development Strategy Leadership Group is to support Innovation Working Groups by:
• Providing advice to Innovation Working Groups (IWG) on the development of business cases, plans and roadmaps for identified opportunity areas and projects.
• Monitoring the work of the IWGs’ in accordance with the IWG Terms of Reference, including the outcomes expected, the proposed timeframes, the flexibility to co-opt members, and the recruitment of outside expertise and support.
• Advising on prioritisation of standing up IWGs’, and the overall work program for the Local Development Strategy.
• Endorsing applications to be assessed by the State Government for Stream One and Two of the Forestry Transition Community Development Fund.
• Assisting in addressing any barriers or pursuing additional opportunities that have emerged in the IWGs’ work.
• Supporting and advocating the work of the Local Development Strategy and its outputs, within their own organizations and the community.

Members will:
• Have the authority to act on behalf of their organisations; or
• Have experience or interest in community and economic development; and
• Commit to supporting this work beyond the lifetime of the funded LDS grant project.

Please share this EOI with relevant members of your networks. If you are interested in participating in the Leadership Group, please complete the EOI link here and return before Monday 19th August.

If you have any questions regarding the Innovation Working Groups and/or Leadership Group, please email Alyce – alycer@egipps.vic.gov.au or call 0456 173 361